Strike Products


Soil fumigants play an important role in agriculture, nursery, and greenhouse production. Soil fumigation provides benefits to both the consumer and the grower. Yet the chemical properties that make them so effective in managing difficult-to-control soil pests and diseases require caution and proper handling. Farming chemistry "plant medicines" used in soil fumigation are regulated as closely as people medicines. Maybe even more so, since fumigants are also reviewed for their total environmental impact. TriCal Australia is a champion of field performance, public safety, and environmental stewardship.

Strike 100

Strike 100

Strike 100 is a pre-plant soil fumigant that controls fungus and bacteria that cause plant diseases and affect crop growth. In addition, it affects weeds and some nematodes. This product has 100% of Chloropicrin.

Packaging information:

Product Features:
Strike 100 has the highest Chloropicrin content (100%), designed for use in light to medium soils where fast dispersal of the product through the soil allows for greater control of soil fungal and bacterial pathogens.

Strike Plus

Strike Plus

Strike Plus is a pre-plant soil fumigant that controls fungus and bacteria that cause plant diseases and affect crop growth. In addition, it affects weeds and some nematodes. This product has 85% of Chloropicrin.

Packaging information:

Product Features:
Strike Plus has a high Chloropicrin content (85%), designed for use in light to medium soils where fast dispersal of the product through the soil allows for greater control of soil fungal and bacterial pathogens.

Strike 80 and Strike 80 Drip

Strike 80 and Strike 80 Drip

Strike 80 is a pre-plant soil fumigant that controls fungus, bacteria, and nematodes that cause plant diseases and affect crop growth. This product has 80% Chloropicrin as the main active component for the control of soil-borne pathogens such as Fusarium, Verticillium, Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Erwinia, and Ralstonia, among others. This product also has 1,3-dichloropene (also known as Telone®) in its composition, in synergy with Chloropicrin, this product has control in some nematodes, symphylans, and wireworms.

Packaging information:

Product Features:
Strike 80 has a high Chloropicrin content (80%), designed for use in light to medium soils where fast dispersal of the product through the soil allows for greater control of soil fungal pathogens. This product is recommended for high pressure fungal diseases and low populations of nematodes.

Strike 60 and Strike 60 Drip

Strike 60 and Strike 60 Drip

Strike 60 is a pre-plant soil fumigant that controls fungus, bacteria, and nematodes that cause plant diseases and affect crop growth. This product has 60% of Chloropicrin as the main active component for the control of soil-borne pathogens such as Fusarium, Verticillium, Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Erwinia, and Ralstonia, among others. This product also has an important proportion of 1,3-dichloropene (also known as Telone®) in its composition, in synergy with Chloropicrin, this product will control some nematodes, symphylans, and wireworms.

Packaging information:

Product Features:
Strike 60 can be applied by shank in broadacre or row application and Strike 60 Drip can be applied through the drip irrigation system. Both products have a high Chloropicrin content (60%) and important content of 1,3-Dichloropropene allowing the control of phytopathogenic fungus, bacteria and nematodes. This product is recommended to be applied in soils with light and medium texture. Strike 60 and Strike 60 Drip are recommended for high pressure fungal diseases and nematodes.

Strike 35 and Strike 35 Drip

Strike 35 and Strike 35 Drip

Strike 35 is a pre-plant soil fumigant that controls nematodes, fungus, and bacteria that cause plant diseases and affect crop growth. This product has 65% of 1,3-Dichloropropene (also known as Telone®) as the main active constituent for the control of phytopathogenic nematodes such as Meloidogyne, Pratylenchus, Paratylenchus, Rotylenchulus, Radopholus, among others. This product also has an important content of Chloropicrin in its composition, providing control of fungus, bacteria, symphylans, wireworms, and weeds.

Packaging information:

Product Features:
Strike 35 can be applied by shank in broadacre or row application and Strike 35 Drip can be applied through the drip irrigation system. Both products have a high 1,3-Dichloropropene content (65%) and important content of Chloropicrin (35%) allowing the control of phytopathogenic fungus, bacteria, and nematodes. This product can be applied in soils with heavy texture as well as light and medium soils. Strike 35 and Strike 35 Drip are recommended to control high populations of nematode and fungal diseases.

Strike TELONE®

Strike TELONE®

Strike TELONE® is a pre-plant soil fumigant that controls nematodes that affect crop growth. In addition, TELONE® affects weeds. This product has 100% of 1,3-Dichloropropene.

Packaging information:

Product Features:
TELONE® has the highest content of 1,3-Dichloropropene (100%), designed for use in all types of soils. 1,3-Dichloropropene is known worldwide as an excellent nematicide.