For years, farmers have been using a variety of methods to increase crop yield and improve quality. A growing number of farmers have realised the health of their crops depends on the health of their soil.

This is the foundation on which best yields and pack-outs are being built. Soil health varies depending on a number of factors, that is why we in the TriCal group developed a family of STRIKE conditioning products.
Given that crops like potatoes, onions or carrots develop most of their marketable yield below the soil surface, it is extremely important to start with the best conditioned soil. STRIKE products applied two to three weeks prior to planting, effectively manage many common pests and diseases such as Black dot, Rhizoctonia, Common scab, Pink Root, Fusarium, Sclerotinia, and Nematodes.
At TriCal Australia, we have access to DNA Testing Technology. Soil tests are taken before and after fumigation to determine individual species of nematodes and fungal pathogens present. The before tests allow the fumigants to be prescriptively applied with the correct type and amount to the soil.
The after tests provide proof of kill rates on nematodes and fungal pathogens to provide soil health information prior to planting. For more information, check out our website or contact one of our soil specialists at (08) 8347 3838.